Come find me at! See ya there!! 

Wow. Already January 15th. Where oh where does the time go?! The first week of the new year I was sick. Sick to the point of not going to work on the first Monday of the new year. They day everyone starts fresh. Everything is new! New schedules, new notebooks, new calendars, a new out look on eating, new sneakers for the gym (side note: I feel like EVERYONE got new sneakers for Christmas.. and there I am in my old beat up kicks! LOL.); a fresh clean start. As I thought about all newest, I was buried in bed under 5 blankets. Nice way to start the new year. But alas, I’m back out there, living my new routine.

Finding a balance between everything stills seems to be a struggle at times. I have turned myself into a master list maker. It seems to be the only way to get anything done these days! All errands seem to get done quicker and better, except for the dreaded gym. Not sure when I started to dread the gym. It’s sad and I don’t like that feeling. So in order to boost up my willingness to get to the gym better, I decided to sign up with a group of friends who created their own Biggest Loser competition as a fundraiser for Relay for Life. It seemed to be the best option and a win win for all. Something to keep me on track a bit better and an important fundraiser!!

I am reclaimed what I am eating. There are no more cookies being eaten at 10 o’clock at night, cakes consumed after lunch and venti lattes for my afternoon snack. It is still early, and it takes what 21 days to create a routine you can stick to?!?!?… but I have high hopes I can do it 🙂

I’m trying all new things at the gym, finding classes that work and skipping the classes that don’t work. Tonight I’m headed to a different gym, to try a completely different class to me! Should be interesting. I’ll let you know how it goes!


I kind of forgot how to do this. I’m hoping it comes back fairly quick. I have a lot to say!

I have been going back and forth on whether to let this part of my life go completely, start a new blog with a new name or continue this one? Honestly I’m not sure what the right answer is. Each day I come up with a different response. But for now, I going to continue on, upward and forward!

So it is a New Year. Time for a clean slate. The newness of everything all over again. An awakening in how to eat again. I almost feel like I need to relearn how to eat. One night during the crazy Christmas eating (i.e. cookies, big dinners, desserts galore) I seriously thought I was going through sugar withdrawal. It was quite scary. Each and every year I say I’m not going to fall in the trap of holiday eating, and sadly I do. Time to relight the fire. Start again. Put some goals on paper. It’s always fun to look back and see how far I came. Without further ado… here they are!

1. Be healthier. Duh. When will this not be #1!

2. Think before I act!

3. Read more. Hope to make in through a full book in 2014 – more than I read in 2013.

4. Write more.

5. Travel. 2013 there was a lot of travel. Hoping 2014 has the same amount! San Diego, Paris, Saratoga Springs are all on the list.

6. Debt begone. LOL. If only there was a button!

7. Be more creative. Either knitting, sewing, pottery classes, web-sites.. just do it.

8. Find some more balance. Almost there, but still needs some work!

9. Be more patient and kind.

10. Have fun and love life… everyday won’t be amazing but working through the downs and enjoying the ups!

And there it is.

Now off to conquer something on this list.



I sometimes come here and look around. Wondering if I should start up again? Hmm…

People still out there. So much to say, so little time.

But first…

So half of the filet that was left over from Friday.. became this… just added in some red/orange peppers, an onion, a can of mini corns, a can of water chestnut, a bag of shrimp and some teriyaki sauce. I ran to the store after an early zumba class, which was actually just ok. I can’t stand when people are standing right on top of each other. There was one girl RIGHT in back of me, gonna like tailgating… I really just want to smack her. Don’t worry.. I didn’t 🙂  I had all intentions of whipping this up,  but G was standing there in the kitchen. He always makes this taste so much better so he took the reins of this one. The original dinner was served over one cup brown rice. The photo was today’s left over lunch 🙂

While home for lunch this happened….

I’ve seen this all over the web. So I had to try. There are 6 balls of aluminum foil under that chicken. Just added some rosemary and EVOO, S&P and a dash of garlic powder. We shall see what I come home to. I’ve never been one to leave a crock pot going at home while I am at work, BUT… I didn’t see another option.

Excited for a loud head banging night full of music at kickboxing. Well, really, just an hour of it… I’m not sure my old ears could take much more.


The weekends are by far the hardest part of the week when eating. There really isn’t a set time for anything really. During the work week, there is a better schedule. This weekend was the first in which I was much more aware of what I was eating then the past few weekends. A quick recap!


Friday night I met up with G and met his sister for the first time. Such a great experience.  We went to dinner with his Mom too. We went to Blackstone Steak house. I ended up getting the filet mignon. This was the best piece of meat I have actually ever had. (There is still half in the fridge at home, that I have some plans for!) Also had some garlic mashed potatoes, spinach and brussels sprouts. Back at G’s house we opened a bottle of Chocolate Raspberry Wine we picked up this summer at Land of Nod Vineyard in East Canaan CT. Very yummy.


Started off good. 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 2.. ekk 3 pieces of bread (w/ diner butter). AND THEN IT WENT DOWN HILL. LOL. I met up with the kids in NPT to head over to the Food Truck Fair. I should have known better. We started with a really yummy black bean burger – I only had a bite or two.

After that, there were bites of ribs, fried dough and italian ice. I stopped there but could have kept going. For dinner, G and I decided to go to Scales and Shells. I have mentioned to him about the Sicilian Littlenecks WAY tooooo many times, so we had to get them.

I also had grilled shrimp and asparagus. And a few bites of G’s linguine with clams. Soooo good. On our walk home, we stopped and had a quick dessert too. Including a pumpkin martini!


Went to the Atlantic Beach Club for brunch. I had a Bloody Mary and all. I tried to keep it to a smaller filled plate then normal! Finally got a bit of apple picking in. Even though the orchard trees were closed, I still picked one. LOL.

In between all the eating, walking, visiting and picking – we went on a helicopter ride. SO MUCH FUN.

On our way back to town we stopped off in New Haven and had Mya’s Sushi for dinner. Holy yum. Mya’s doesn’t do normal sushi. It’s all whole wheat rice, and crazy combos. Think goat cheese/cranberry/whitefish sushi. So yummy.


Back to oatmeal, coffee and water. It’s worth it thought for an amazing weekend.

I tried to get in as much physical activity as possible. G and I went for a 2-ish mile walk when we arrived in NPT. Then we walked around town all day. After brunch on Sunday we went for a walk on the beach. Still figuring out this whole WW thing.

Happy Monday everyone!


I was at Wal-Mart buying trash bags, shampoo, Halloween socks – you know…. the stuff you just NEED. And all I wanted to do was bite someones head off. It wasn’t good. I didn’t like the feeling, I knew I had to get to the gym asap. I have been ‘accidentally’ avoiding a kickboxing class that I used to go to weekly. It’s an intense class. NON-STOP for 50 minutes. I laced up my sneakers and bolted to class before I changed my mind. I quietly snuck in the last row, completely avoiding my friends up front (who I haven’t seen in a few weeks). After 15 minutes I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. THAT. WAS. ONE. TOUGH. CLASS. Lesson learned…Consistency is key. Happily I was able to walk and not crawl out of class 45 minutes later. Wake up call #2. I’m going to try my hardest to get some full-blown activity in this weekend. It might be a tough one.

I have a surprise for G on Sunday. It’s nearly killing me not to tell. But I’m trying hard. Let’s see if I make it to Sunday.

Happy Weekend Everyone.


Day 1 is over. When talking to the G last night, it was crazy to talk about the day….  since when do I get that much done?

The day in bulleted form.

  • WW meeting
  • Work
  • Driving 1/2 hr to get a banner fixed.
  • Quick stop at Marshalls. (My footwear was seriously lacking!)
  • Attempting to find food for lunch. (It’s now 2:30.. ended up @ Subway. It could have been MUCH worse!)
    More work.
  • Quick trip to a Hallmark store that is closing. 50% off EVERYTHING. Couldn’t miss it.
  • Class 6-8:30
  • Dinner ??? – Must be something healthy.. right?!?!?! Guess Mickey D’s ain’t gonna cut it anymore.
    Some ebaying stuff.
  • And finally some chatting.


Lessons learned. I better start bringing healthy snacks with me at all times. I need to STOP over booking myself. When I have a million things to do, I need to pick one. Just one and DO IT.

TJ Chile Lime Chicken Burger, bread, lettuce, 1/2 a cuke and a sugar-free pudding!

Dinner Day 1.. Sad.. it only gets better from here!

On this lovely day of October, I got up super early, and ventured out to meet my Mom. I could have met her at numerous different places, but this morning, I met her at the local Weight Watchers meeting. Um. I sign up AGAIN. But the third time is a charm… RIGHT?!?!?

There are many reasons why I did this. Actually too many to list right now… they will all come out in time.

However the top 3 are: 1. nothing fits, 2. I feel awful and 3. I NEED more energy. Let’s face it, we aren’t getting a few extra hours in a day anytime soon… I must use each minute of my day to its full potential.

So. Today marks DAY 1.

May 2024
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